Our Monthly Meetings

Learning our history

Online Talks

Thank you for being interested in our monthly talk.

If you are not a member, please consider making a £3.00 donation to support the society and access our online talk live via Zoom.

Please also consider becoming a member to get access to all our talks throughout the year along with full access to our catalogue and archive.

You can either pay by Paypal below or if you prefer send a cheque payable to Alston Moor Historical Society to AMHS Treasurer c/o Alston Town Hall Alston CA9 3RF.

Or pay us by BACS: Unity Trust Bank

Account name: Alston Moor Historical Society

Sort code: 60−83−01

Account number: 20520528

Alston Moor

Historical Society

© Alston Moor Historical Society 1973-2025. All Rights Reserved.

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Alston Moor Historical Society - Payment for Talks